Learning Plan

Bootcamp Learning Plan

Swirly image

What is your long term goal and/or career pathway?

To do something that will help others help the environment. I could go on and on in an echochamber about capitalism and consumerism's impact on climate change but to cut a long story short, that's what I'm passionate about. I find working with people really rewarding and I want to find creative ways of helping people discover their own pathways that are separate from the one forged for them by capitalist and consumerist structures.


What do you think your biggest strengths and limitations will be in Bootcamp?

My biggest strengths will probably include how much I like working with people, learning, and creating new things. I am pretty good at time management and there is a good chance I will even do my homework.

Limitations will probably mainly include how much energy I have to invest in Bootcamp and balance that with my other projects/life outside of learning. I will probably continue to struggle my way through being balanced about the times when I am not immediately good at things.


What do you think your biggest non-technical challenge at Bootcamp will be?

As mentioned above, I am going to have trouble being Chill and Patient when I am stuck on things. When I catch myself feeling Not Chill or Patient (two traits that I value), I have a tendency to give up - oopsie!


What non-technical skills - human skills - would you like to see developed in yourself while at Dev Academy?

I would really like to improve my self-awareness because that is an area that you can become infinitely deep in and that's pretty interesting & it implies that EVERYONE can ALWAYS become more self-aware. If that makes sense?

I would also like to get better at giving feedback, I find providing growth feedback in a way that will actually help people grow to be a super valuable skill. And I want to get more confident speaking in groups and in front of others ! I stutter when I am outnumbered lol.


What are your expectations from the Bootcamp team?

I hope I get support when I need it, confidence boosts, a sense of empowerment, and a sense that I am held accountable for my ~*drawbacks*~


What are your expectations of yourself on Bootcamp

To complete everything on time - that's the big one really. I don't really have any other strict/tangible expectations on myself. I want to keep up good time management and work/life balance. But I also want to make some really cool stuff and make the most of this opportunity!


Foundations Learning Plan

Orange Flowers Illustration

What is my long term goal or career pathway?

I am super passionate about getting involved in positive ecological change and combining that with the push to make mental health services more accessible to people. There is a lot of evidence supporting the therapeutic power of nature - whether through gardening, surfing, hiking or what have you. Combining that kind of work with art therapy would be rad too.

What does that have to do with tech? I think a lot of work needs to be done to make The Digital Sphere healthier for people. An app that gets people to put their phones down and go plant some native trees? I don’t know yet.

A description of my strengths and limitations when it comes to learning:

When it comes to learning, I get really invested in what I am doing, and new challenges tend to excite me. Time management and creativity are strengths of mine.

Limitations include mainly the fact that I have trouble judging when/whether I need to ask for help. Sometimes I ask for help on something and then end up working it out or realising I made a silly mistake. Other times I expect something should be easier than I’m finding it so I don’t ask for help and waste time pressuring myself to know everything.

What human skills would I like to see developed in myself while at Dev Academy?

I would like to get better at active listening when talking to people I don’t know too well. I find with larger groups of people/ people I am not that close with, I get pretty nervous and am way more likely to stutter and obsess over what I’m saying. That gets in the way of me being as present in every conversation as I would like to be.

A commitment to how I will manage my workload in this programme:

I will stick to a routine that will mean I work around the same time each day. I will break each sprint into smaller chunks so I don’t spend too long stuck on anything and fall behind. Taking time to myself, meditating, and exercising every day, plus spending weekends outside/away from the computer, will be great for keeping me fresh throughout the course.

When working in groups and with Facilitators/community reps, I will always work to be my most genuine, honest, and kind self. Any time I get stressed/in my own head I will reach out for support in the appropriate channels - and I will not take it out on the people I am working with. I will also work hard to be a good team player and learn how to provide and accept positive/constructive feedback well.

A commitment as to how and where I will seek help in a timely way:

If I get stuck on a technical problem, I will spend 20 mins trying to work it out myself before reaching out for help. When things start getting to me, I will seek support from the people I am close to. If that lasts more than a day, I will let my homegroup facilitator know that I have not had the best couple of days.

What I expect from the facilitation team:

I am trusting that the facilitation team has my back when I come to them for help or if they come to me to provide mentorship.

Scheduling info including block-out times:

I am going to work from around 8:30 to 5 or 6 each day, and finish early on Fridays if I can! Each day I will block out one hour, usually around 11:30 am, to do work for my other job (I am maintaining about 5 hours a week of work for the extra dosh during foundations). On Fridays I have to finish by 4 at the latest, as I live with 20 people and I’m on the Friday cooking team. I need the hour between 4 and 5 to chill before cooking.

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