Learning Plan

Emotional Intelligence

Orange Flowers Illustration

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is all about how well you can notice & understand emotions in themselves and others, feel empathy, and use that knowledge constructively.

An emotionally intelligent person can:

When an emotionally intelligent person experiences any emotion, e.g. anger, they recognise the emotion, observe it objectively, acknowledge where it comes from, and chooses their reactions carefully. If an emotionally intelligent person notices anger (or any other emotion) in someone else, they know not to take others’ emotions personally and can experience empathy and understanding as to how/why the other person feels that way.

What is the difference between emotional intelligence and IQ?

IQ is a standardised score that measures problem-solving, reasoning, logic, mathematics, pattern recognition, intuition, and other similar skills. It measures how well you can learn and use information in different places. While it is important academically and professionally, there is a common misconception that IQ is the most important form of intelligence, if not the only one.

Emotional intelligence (also known as EQ) is critical in identifying emotions, communicating well, and relating to other people. Since humans are emotional beings, strengthening your abilities as listed above through conscious self-improvement will benefit how you deal with any situation that comes your way. Plus ANYONE can exponentially improve their EQ when they do the mahi!

Why is emotional intelligence important?

Emotional intelligence is the cornerstone for success in work, family matters, health, and relationships. Here are some of the benefits of emotional intelligence:

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